
This page lists the reports and other materials released by the Land and Water Forum, as well as other relevant official documents.

Phase 3 (Feb 2015-June 2018)

Land and Water Forum advice on improving water quality: preventing degradation and addressing sediment and nitrogen - June 2018

Better Freshwater Management - December 2017

Briefing Note to LAWF commentaries on implementation of the NPS-FM - 9 June 2017

Land and Water Forum commentary on the implementation of the NPS-FM - 9 June 2017

Land and Water Forum commentary on MfE's NPS-FM implementation review - 9 June 2017

Land and Water Forum submission on the Ministry for the Environment's Clean Water consultation and proposed changes to the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management.

Letter from Minister Smith to the Forum - 28 February 2017

Advice from Forum to Ministers on NOF development - 19 August 2016

Letter from the Ministers to the Chair - 11 July 2016

Letter from the Ministers to the Chair - 12 May 2016

Analysis of implementation of Forum recommendations to date - April 2016 (A3 pdf) and cover note

Letter from the Ministers to the Chair - 16 April 2016 and appendix

Letter from the Ministers to the Chair - 5 May 2015

Letter from the Ministers to the Chair Alastair Bisley - 23 February 2015

Terms of reference for Land and Water Forum Phase Three (pdf)

Fourth Report of the Land and Water Forum (November 2015)

Fourth Report of the Land and Water Forum (pdf, 2.5 MB)

Media release

Ministers' press release - on Beehive website

Alastair Bisley's speech at the launch of the report

Economics Workshop Presentations (23 and 24 June 2015)

Water governance - Doug Watt (pdf) (video)

How to manage the commons to get efficient outcomes - Geoff Simmons (pdf) (video)

Economics and rights - Suzi Kerr (pdf) (video)

Economics, Equity & Politics - Andrew Sweet (pdf) (video)

Identifying & measuring impacts using economics, natural capital, non-market benefits and ecosystem services - Suzie Greenhalgh (pdf) (video)

Estimating economic impacts - John Ballingall (pdf) (video)

Value Chains - Alistair Mowat (pdf) (video)

The Primary Sector - Adding value through maximising export returns - Paul Dalziel (pdf) (video)

CBA - decisive or incisive - John Yeabsley (pdf) (video)

Discount rates - Dieter Katz (pdf) (video)

Experiences in limit-setting and section 32 - Emma Moran and Blair Keenan (pdf) (video)

Local Govt experience with limits setting and section 32 analyses - Chris Parker (pdf) (video)

Playlist of all presentations:

Science to Policy Workshop Presentations (31 March and 1 April 2015)

National Compulsory Values, Objectives, Attributes and Variability - Ton Snelder & Ned Norton (pdf) (video)

Concepts around nutrient limitation in river & lake algae - Scott Larned, David Hamilton & Marc Schallenberg (pdf)

Conundrums for setting limits - David Hamilton, John Quinn & Chris Daughney (pdf) (video)

Advances in mitigation science - Richard McDowell, Ross Monaghan & Chris Tanner (pdf) (video)

Urban Freshwater challenges and solutions - Dr Martin Neale (pdf) (video)

Soils and land in limit setting processes - Linda Lilburne, Sam Carrick and David Pairman (pdf) (video)

National Science Challenge - Our Land and Water 1 April (pdf) (video)

Tools enabling system thinking - Building knowledge networks and report cards - John Quinn, John Bright & Liz Wedderburn (pdf) (video)

Tools for system thinking - Models and their uses - John Bright, Sandy Elliott & David Hamilton (pdf) (video)

Ruamahanga case study - Graham Sevicke-Jones & Alastair Smaill (pdf) (video)

Waikato case study - Justine Young and Katie Paul (pdf) (video)

Limit setting in Canterbury - Ken Taylor(pdf) (video)

Playlist of all presentations:


Letter from LAWF on the Conservation and Environment Science Roadmap - September 2016

Letter to MfE re NPS-FM consultation - August 2016

Submission on MfE's consultation document Next steps for fresh water - April 2016

Submission on Resource Legislation Amendment Bill - March 2016

Submission on the Proposed amendments to the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management 2011 from the Small Group of the Land and Water Forum

and Cover letter

Third Report of the Land and Water Forum (November 2012)

Third Report of the Land and Water Forum (pdf, 4 MB)

Press release (pdf, 72 KB)

Ministers' press release - on the Beehive website

Cabinet Papers

2012/13 Cabinet papers on Freshwater Reform - on the MfE website

Second Report of the Land and Water Forum (May 2012)

Second Report of the Land and Water Forum (pdf, 1.75 MB)

Press release (pdf, 202 KB)

Phase 2 (September 2011-November 2012)

Report to Ministers following regional engagement meetings (April 2011)

Report to Minister for the Environment and the Minister of Agriculture and Forestry - 5 April 2011 (pdf)


Land and Water Forum: Summary of Points raised at Regional Engagements (pdf)

Land and Water Forum: Recommendations - Implementation (pdf)

Land and Water Forum: Note on Collaboration (pdf)

‘A Fresh Start for Freshwater’ Report (September 2010)

A Fresh Start for Freshwater (pdf)

Media Release (pdf)

Summary Report (Foreword, Executive Summary and Recommendations) (pdf)

Phase 1 (2009-2010)

Bullet points from the first six roundtables - Colin James (pdf)

Cabinet Papers

The New Start for Fresh Water

Implementing the New Start for Fresh Water

Terms of Reference

Land and Water Forum Project - A Fresh Look at Fresh Water

Letter from the Ministers to LWF Chairman Alastair Bisley (pdf)

Terms of reference for Land and Water Forum Phase One

Terms of reference for Land and Water Forum Phase Two (pdf)

Terms of reference for Land and Water Forum Phase Three (pdf)

Foundation documents

Letter from the Ministers to LWF Chairman Alastair Bisley (pdf)

Letter from Minister Smith regarding NPS-FM

Letter from the Ministers to Chair Alastair Bisley - 23 February 2015

Terms of reference for Land and Water Forum Phase One

Terms of reference for Land and Water Forum Phase Two (pdf)

Terms of reference for Land and Water Forum Phase Three (pdf)

Protocols - Phase One

Protocols - Phase Two

Protocols - Phase Three

Forum Chair’s speeches (and other general documents)


Alastair Bisley's Speech at the launch of the Fourth Report

Alastair Bisley's Speech to the Bluegreens, March 2013 (pdf)

Alastair Bisley’s Speech at the Launch of the First Report - 22 September 2010 (pdf)

Alastair Bisley’s Speech at the EDS Conference, June 2010 (pdf)

Alastair Bisley’s Speech to the Bluegreens, October 2009 (pdf)

Updates from the Chair

Update from the Chair - 21 December 2011 (pdf)

Press releases

Revised freshwater policy will help improve New Zealand’s freshwater management - 9 August 2017

Forum and Minister engage on freshwater package - 3 March 2017

Change of Chair - 3 August 2016

Op-ed in response to Next steps for fresh water consultation document

Land and Water Forum pleased at extended role - 15 September 2011 (pdf)

Forum takes a break

The Forum has completed its current phase of work, so members have decided to take a break from July 2018, as we did in 2010 and again at the completion of the Third Report in 2012. Members are ready to gather again should we feel there is another tranche of work to do to continue to improve NZ's freshwater management system. Members will await with interest the Government's response to our latest report.

Forum advice on improving water quality

The Forum has provided advice to Ministers David Parker and Damien O'Connor on improving water quality through preventing degradation and addressing sediment and nitrogen. Download the report, and the press release.

Forum News

The Forum is pleased that recommendations made last year have now been incorporated in the latest NPS-FM - see press release. We are also pleased to release our review of implementation of the NPS-FM and commentary on MfE's implementation review.

Forum submission on 'Clean Water' discussion document

Download the Land and Water Forum submission on the Ministry for the Environment's Clean Water consultation and proposed changes to the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management.

Progress on implementation of recommendations

Here is a table (pdf, 311 KB) and cover note (Word, 500 KB) that sets out the Land and Water Forum Secretariat's assessment in April 2016 of which recommendations contained in the Forum's four reports have been and are being implemented by the Government, regional councils and other organisations - and to what extent. We intend this to be a living document and we will try to keep it up to date.

Launch of the Fourth Report of the Land and Water Forum

The Forum’s fourth major report addresses how to maximise the economic benefits of freshwater while managing within water quality and quantity limits that are set consistent with the National Policy Statement on Freshwater Management 2014 (NPS-FM). It also recommends exclusion of livestock from waterways on plains and lowland hills, addresses a number of urban issues and suggests tools and approaches to assist the Crown’s exploration of rights and interests with iwi.

Download the report (pdf, 2.5 MB), the Chair's speech at the launch of the report and the press release.

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